FountainStone Games LTD is proud to announce Banker of the Gods. A game about superstitious civilizations competing on a friendly stock-market set in an ancient Japanese-inspired world. It has a unique stock-market mechanism that allows for deduction of market trends before you invest for the next round. There are over a million different kinds of markets to be generated. The market may booming during this game, and other games you will have a depression to survive or thrive in.

Find out more about Banker of the Gods by signing-up to get notified of it’s upcoming Kickstarter launch in 2024.

Only those who sign-up get an exclusive 10% discount when backing on Kickstarter. You must have a Paypal account to receive 10% cash back.

Players: 1-5
Playtime: 60-90 minutes
Age: 14+

Type: Strategy Worker Placement
Weight: Medium

Kickstarter: 2024
Price: To Be Announced

FountainStone Games LTD

FountainStone Games LTD is a board game publishing company from Ireland, which is also part of the EU.

Our passion is to create games worthy for game collections by merging unique gameplay with wonderful art styles.

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